Tender TOP LINE 360-320-280

Code: tender top line

These elegant pneumatic semi-rigid dinghies feature a deep V-shaped hull which ensures great seaworthiness. They are suitable for all boats and can be piloted by means of tiller steering or - just for the 320 and 360 version - by steering wheel. The shipowner can sit comfortably on the stern bench which is equipped with cushion and backrest. The lightweight and robust Top Line tenders are ideal for those who want to combine enjoyment, comfort and safety. These tenders are perfect for your free time sea adventures and coastal excursions.

Code Product Name
BT6-TL360 ARIMAR tender TOP LINE 360
BT6-TL320 ARIMAR tender TOP LINE 320
BT6-TL280 ARIMAR tender TOP LINE 280
Kit di riparazione | Repair kit •
Coppia di remi | Pair of oars •
Gonfiatore | Bellow •
Panca | Bench  optional
Consolle | Console  optional
Dim. Esterne (fuori tutto) | External dimensions (overall) 351x167x81h 317x167x81h 280x164x68h
Dimensioni Interne | Internal dimensions 260x81 230x81 192x80
Dim. Sacca (indicative) | Bag size (approx.) / / /
Portata (persone) | Max. no. passengers 5 5 4
Massa (Kg) | Weight (Kg) 78,0 57,0 43,0
Pot. Max. (HP) | Max. power (HP) 25 15 10
Gambo Motore | Engine Shaft S S S
Categoria CE | EC category C D D
Ø Tubolari (cm) | Tubes diameter (cm) 43 43 45/40
Numero Comparti | Buoyancy chambers 3 3 3
Carena | Hull VTR | GRP VTR | GRP VTR | GRP