Code: tender sprint jet
SprintJet is a line of water-jet propelled dinghies available in two lengths(2,80 m and 3,20 m). They are powered by high performance engines of European production, delivering 143 Hp. These tenders' evocative and innovative style features a captivating design, great attention to detail, a highly hydrodynamic hull. The tender can be customized to best meet the owner's needs. Water-jet propulsion ensures higher manoeuverability and safety compared to traditionally propelled tenders, making these tenders easy to pilot even in shallow waters. SprintJet tenders are available in two versions: "Classic", in white and cream, and "Sport" in white and blue.
Code | Product Name | |
sprint jet 320 | ARIMAR tender SPRINT JET 320 | |
sprint jet 280 | ARIMAR tender SPRINT JET 280 |
Volante regolabile | Adjustable steering wheel | • |
Sistema anti-incendio | Fire-fighting system | • |
Pannello interruttori | Switch panel | • |
Batteria | Battery | • |
Stacca batteria | Battery switch | • |
Pompa di sentina elettrica-ventilazione sentina | Eletric bilge pump-bilge blower | • |
Scaletta di risalita a bordo | Boarding ladder | • |
Pompa di gonfiaggio a piede | Foot bellow | • |
Kit riparazione | Repair kit | • |
Coppia remi | Pair of oars | • |
Anello sci nautico | Water skiing ring | • |
Supporti di sollevamento | Lifting points | • |
Kit cuscini (sedile + consolle) colore blu o beige secondo il modello Cushions (seats and console) in blue or beige |
• |
Fanali di navigazione | Navigation lights | • |
Luci di cortesia a LED | Deck courtesy LED lights | • |
Set strumentazione di bordo | Dashboard instruments set | • |
Serbatoio in acciaio inox integrato | Built-in stainless steel fuel tank | • |
Clacson | Horn | • |
Leva combinata di comando | Combined throttle and gear lever | • |
Musone di prua con bitta a scomparsa e luci di via | Stemhead with pull-up mooring cleat and lights | • |
Bitte di poppa a scomparsa | Aft pull-up cleats | • |
Calpestio in teak | Teak deck | o (optional) |
Copribattello | Boat cover | o (optional) |
Braga di sollevamento baricentrico | lashing straps for single lifting point | o (optional) |
Supporto battello | GRP deck support | o (optional) |
Sistema di gonfiaggio elettrico automatico integrato | Built-in automatic electric inflation system | o (optional) |
Gonfiatore elettrico | Electric inflator | o (optional) |
Scritte “TENDER TO...” applicate sul tubolare | "TENDER TO..." writing applied to the tubes | o (optional) |
Colorazioni a richiesta (scafo, coperta, consolle, tubolari, cuscineria) Colours on request (hull, deck, console, tubes, cushions) |
o (optional) |
Lunghezza (cm) | Length (cm) |
321 |
284 |
Larghezza (cm) | Width (cm) | 191 | 193 |
Altezza (cm) | Height (cm) | 88 | 88 |
Portata (persone) | Max no. passengers | 4 | 4 |
Massa (Kg) | Weight (Kg) | 360 | 351 |
Pot. Cons. (HP) | Sugg. Power (HP) | 142.7 | 142.7 |
Serbatoio Carburante (lt) | Fuel tank (lt) | 30 | 20 |
Categoria CE | EC category | C | C |
Ø Tubolari (cm) | Tubes Diameter (cm) | 40/45 | 40/45 |
Carena | Hull | VTR |GRP | VTR | GRP |